Schlossallee Moritzburg – Castle Avenue

Autographed sketches of Friedrich August I. (1670-1733) clarify, that the hunting castle Moritzburg should be in connection with the central residence in the city of Dresden. A verbal instruction to the architect Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann (1662 – 1736) was the final start for the avenue in August 1728. This avenue, today called „Schlossallee”, is an essential piece of the baroque gardens of the Castle Moritzburg and an important part of the heritage Historic Cultural Landscape Moritzburg near Dresden.

The aesthetical connection between the historical buildings, the country side and the democratically society with its tradition and the continual development becomes obvious in the increasing quality of the design from the entrance of the village to the front of the castle.

The planning process started in January 2002 and the opening of the new avenue was on August 27th 2005. From the general design to the construction management and supervision of a team with street planers, infrastructure designers and more specialists are the 1500 meters historical avenue and State Street an outstanding example of our work. The official German webpage for information of the building site during the building process can be seen here.